We are a large pediatric practice with multiple locations in Dayton, Ohio and have been members of the IPS Vaccine GPO for over 15 years. Our practice has saved countless dollars on our vaccine expense since we joined the IPS Vaccine GPO. We have found them to be very easy to work with and we are able to purchase the same vaccines we always use but at significantly better pricing than we can get on our own. My staff and I have personally worked with Lynne Sherman, the Managing Director of the IPS GPO, and she has always been helpful in addressing our needs.
Teri Duckson, Practice ManagerChildrens Medical Center, Middletown, Ohio
We've been members of the IPS GPO for years. They offer excellent pricing, and it’s free to sign up. As a 5 provider pediatric practice, vaccines are one of our biggest expenses. So, it’s great to get what we already need at a discount. By being a part of IPS GPO, we are also eligible for preferred pricing for office items in addition to vaccines. This is truly a no risk benefit for any practice!
Tom Herr, MD.Pediatric Group Associates, Moline, Illinois
Our practice has partnered with IPS GPO since 2000. As members, we receive a tremendous savings on our vaccine costs year after year. IPS’s customer service and follow up are excellent. Our savings through IPS GPO has certainly helped to improve our bottom line!
Sarah Holder, RN. Clinical DirectorRaleigh Pediatric Associates Raleigh, NC
Thank you for all you are doing for our practices to be able to buy the best vaccines at that best prices possible and supporting us during this challenging experience.